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Current Feelings ♥♥♥

4 komentar
♥ .... Dear Diary .... ♥

Image and video hosting by TinyPicPiet confused tonight weird ...but not for the odd night
because there is someone who makes my life a strange ... Image and video hosting by TinyPic

There olalala.... dusted love goddess of love that makes me sneeze
Image and video hosting by TinyPic hmm but do not know many neighbors,
but I knew he was good, religious honest, patient, affectionate, friendly,
courteous, adult, funny, simple
hahaha it ajieb diary ...

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now I just want to live first wrote to him,
I commit the matter to Allah Azza Wa Jalla
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because only he knows what is best for me and my life
if I may hope, I want him to be present in my life right now that the answer to my prayers during this be the answer to all complaints in every third last night

Image and video hosting by TinyPicAllahu Yaa Rabb, in a small chamber in front of my knees to beg your help and love from You to me have the answer to all what I asked for this
Allahumma Amien ...

Could it be separated from the heart blood
Could it be separated from the breath of his lungs
Does not that mean death ..?
But if Ghaliza has Mitsaqan mountains shake
which sustains the earth how I had to choose Yaa Rabb I was afraid that if he turned away from me But I'm more afraid if you are leaving Ya Rabb
O God .. decide ..!!! and I let go ...
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  1. assaLamu`aLaikum...

    apalah arti punya harta,
    jikalau kita tak punya ilmu.
    apalah arti sebuah cinta,
    jika tanpa hadir sosokMU.



  2. Wa'alaikum salam, ka

    Allahumma shalli 'ala muhammad
    Allahumma Amien.... :X
    ;)) hee :X
    jadi malu.... :p

  3. assalamu'alaikum....
    sekedar sare nih say,
    tempatkanlah selalu Alloh diposisi pertama dimanapun termasuk di hatimu,dicintamu,......pasti hdp akan jauh lbh terasa tenang n' tentram Insya Alloh......
    wa'alaikum salam......

  4. Wa'alaikum salam sai....,
    Insya Allah sai..,
    piet akan selalu istiqamah dengan semuwa yang terjadi dalam hidup ^_^
    makasih yaa sai buad sumbang sarannya..,
    untuk ingetin piet tetap mengingat Illahi Rabbi...
    semoga ketulusan dan perhatianmu di balas oleh Allah Azza Wa Jalla...
    Allahumma Amien ^_^
