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Nasrudin Shot From Long Distance

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Tangerang (ANTARA) - Two projectile bullet to the head of the Son Rajawali Banjaran Director, Nasrudin Zulkarnaen, in shooting from a distance of about 50 centimeters, said Mun `im Idries.

Forensic expert witness Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) is explained, projectile bullet lodged in his head Nasrudin is not a shot at close range views of the scars on the victim's scalp.

"A hole in the head skin of the deceased left clearly prove that the victim was shot from a distance of about 50 centimeters or 60 centimeters," said Justice of Idries before the Court of Tangerang, Banten, in Tangerang, Monday.

He confessed, long-distance shot in the head by their nature Nasrudin scalp wound in the deceased where the hole shot in the skin is not as wide as the wound in the victim's head.

Conversely, Idries articulate, shot at close range if the scar on the scalp rather wide range between 1 and 50 centimer.

As for, Idries said, when the body of Nasrudin in the autopsy on March 15, 2009 at Gatot Subroto hospital two wounds on the deceased's head had been sewn with a form that is not wide.

Bullet to the head of Nasrudin are two projectile bullets, shot a hole into the left temple and one faces listed in brain tissue.

"The bullet of about 9 millimeters in length, with the revolver type weapon type SNW," said Idries.

Form of bullets found in the head Nasrudin irregular, not rounded before ditembakan by one of the suspects.

Danil with four colleagues, namely Hendrikus Kiawalen aka Hendrik, Francis Amsi aka Tadom Kerans, Heri Santoso bin Bagol and Rasja aka Ndopo Eduardus aka Edo Mbete allegedly involved the murder of Nasrudin.

The five accused in violation of Article 340 Jo. Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of Murder Planned death penalty.

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