Bus transportation is prohibited Jemaah Night Operation
Medina-Mecca distance of more than 450 kilometers, or about seven hours of driving. Travel time is long enough that potentially affect the physical condition of the driver. For this reason, the driver should begin to move to Mecca at dawn. They were not allowed back on duty after 22:00 o'clock. "This concerns the safety of the congregation. Therefore, the journey from Medina and Mecca was far enough away that fear could affect the driver, such as experiencing fatigue or drowsiness. Especially not put the driver back up. So, at 21:00 they have already arrived in Mecca, "said Head of the Regional Working Subakin Mecca Abdul Muttalib who was contacted on Saturday (31/10) night.
Welcomed the arrival of the congregation, according to Subakin, it has made intensive preparations to avoid the thorny issue.
"The houses are ready to welcome the arrival of the audience," he said.
Asked about the completeness of the emergency stairs to the house or quarters that do not have, Subakin admit, it was still being finalized.
Since the Government of Saudi Arabia imposed a duty to provide emergency stairs four-story dwelling or occupied by more than 200 members of the pilgrims, issue boarding house that has a fire escape was not complete.
According to the Secretary of Directorate General of Organization of Hajj and Umrah Department of Religious A Ghofur Djawahir, that is what the wedge for this. In Mecca, which houses the Ministry of Religious Affairs prepared as many as 406 units. The amount is much less compared with last year that as many as 516 homes.
"I check onto the field, existing homes that complement the emergency stairs. Houses are no emergency stairs are done making process, "said Subakin.
He admitted, house no room for the emergency stairwell capacity should be reduced 30 percent. "For the amount of 250 worshipers, still can, do not need the emergency stairs. We're trying to do, "he said.
Link : http://id.news.yahoo.com
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