Recognize 'bout Gorjuss Art

Pasti diantara sahabat blogger ada yang kenal jenis Art di seperti ini.... hehehe HU'OH bener tepat sekali itu ART 'ala Gorjuss, wew.. nice art, keren pit suka.. di banding ART 'ala Emily pit jauh lebih suka Gorjuss... Clothing Art Emily memiliki Page Rank tinggi di Indonesia, meski Gorjuss kalah pamor dari Emily, tapi kini dia jadi menarik perhatian Girl of the World... (aihh bahasanya.. LEBAY...) kalo Art Emily Strange Girl.. mereka lebih menonjolkan warna Merah Hitam dan Putih.. hahaha jadi inget Djarum Black... Kalo Emily Art lahir di California, kalo Gorjuss Art lahir di Scotland. Well kita balik lagi bahas Gorjuss Art, tujuan pit share ini, cuma mau sharing seputar Art... buad para Art Holic.. macam piet... yukk kita simak...

Sepintas tentang Gorjuss... (hu'oh nih piet daritadi ngomong Gurjuss mulu apa itu Gorjuss...?) Gorjuss Art is art of deep expression of a somewhat lost childhood innocence in all of us. It resembles a need to find reason in what we see, it challenges our thoughts of comfort, safety and social acceptance, it challenges our preconceived ideas of childhood. It touches on the taboos of bringing children and death closer than is normally comfortable and evokes a sense of overwhelming calmness, and perhaps contempt to the viewer. Abandonment features heavily, the sense of loss and longing. And of being alone in the world. The sheer stillness of my girls poses are accentuated with the movement around them, in their flowing hair or landscapes. Offering what seems like just a brief moment of their world, catching a glimpse of their lives and their emotions. The girls featureless faces force the surrounding paintings into describing the scene for the viewer. Their faces lack of form are more childlike (and almost foetus like) and the lack of emotion is tinged with powerful wounded messages of grief tinged with hope. (heehee... jangan malas untuk mengartikan)
Buad sohib blogger yang mau tau seputar
wkwkwkwkwkwk... jag piet kag piet...
ReplyDeletebosonE mbok ra boso Londo... ora mudeng aku :D
mo langsung ke TKP ajah,,,,
penasaran :D
keren yah... ^^
ReplyDeletepagi piet...
have a nice day dear ^^
keep smile
baru dengar itu ^___^
ReplyDeletegirly bgt yah
ReplyDeletegwe malah baru denger tuch
oke dech
lngsung meluncur ke TKP
heheh aku juga belum tahu gorjuzzz nuy
ReplyDeletemakasih yaw
jadi penasaran nuy
Wuiihh...saya juga lebih suka ini daripada emily art, kayknya ini lebih imut gimanaaa getoo kesannya
ReplyDeleteoiya mba,, kue nya sdh saya pasang di blog..
mkasih yaaa
lucu juga ^^
ReplyDeleteyaaahh,pengertiannya bhs inggris....
ReplyDeleteaku ngga tau apa itu gorjuss n gambarnya lucu2 n cantik2 tuh...
piiiiit....met siang,,,maaf ya baru berkunjung, heheeee....maaf maaf maaf (gaya ngomong ipin)
aihhh lucu2 ya piet,,jadi terinspirasi pgn bikin template gorjuss euy,,^0^
ReplyDeletebalik lagi, cuma mau bilang:hahahahaaa.... kak roooosssssss.....
ReplyDeletekeren piet artnya izin yah buat aq koleksi..... met aktivitas piet
ReplyDeleteaih lucunyaaa.....
ReplyDeletewaduh :Q
Yg bhs inggrisnya aq ga ngerti mba..
ReplyDeletetp litle2 seh I can... :))
Oy akhwat bngt lg postnya.. bingung aq mah..
ReplyDeletemaaf MB baaru sempet mampir..
wehe ada yg baru di headernya sweet..
haduh ini saya ketinggalan berita sungguh saya ga tau dan baru tau soal art gorjuss dan emily, kasian banget..nanti coba ditelusuri dl dech malu jadinya hehe.
thanks sharingnya MB
Sukses Slalu!
lagi nge rapp kayak eminem, gak ngerti ah...